
Showing posts from May, 2014

Sophia Grace and Rosie's Twins

We LOVE Sophia Grace and Rosie!  We fell in love with them instantly because they are obviously adorable and talented, but also because their personalities and looks remind us so much of ourselves.    They make us SO happy! Check out our pictures of us impersonating adorable pictures of them! Which one is your favorite??? -Kari

Sophia Grace and Rosie Twins #16

We have decided to start a new series called Sophia Grace and Rosie's Twins where we find adorable pictures of Sophia Grace and Rosie and then try to impersonate them!  We are obsessed with these two princesses who remind us so much of ourselves! This one doesn't have a side-by-side, but how adorable are we with our American Girl dolls!?!?!?  It was fun getting a chance to play with Molly and Felicity again! -Kari

Sophia Grace and Rosie's Twins #7

We have decided to start a new series called Sophia Grace and Rosie's Twins where we find adorable pictures of Sophia Grace and Rosie and then try to impersonate them!  We are obsessed with these two princesses who remind us so much of ourselves! This was us in real life shopping for some Sophia Grace and Rosie jewelry from their new Claires line.  There are so many adorable things to choose from!  We eventually settled on getting matching bracelets, which we LOVE! (deepfriedunicorn does not own the rights to the original Sophia Grace and Rosie images) -Kari 

Sophia Grace and Rosie's Twins #1

My little sister hype girl and I have loved Sophia Grace and Rosie from the VERY beginning. It all started when my sister showed me the original video of these cuties singing Nicki Minaj's Super Bass.  We fell in love with them instantly because they are obviously adorable and talented, but also because their personalities and looks remind us so much of ourselves.  I'm the silly brunette sack of potatoes and my little sister is totally the bashful blonde teeny weenie mouse.  They make us SO happy! -Kari  What do you think - totally twins?!?!?!?!?! (deepfriedunicorn does not own the rights to the original Sophia Grace and Rosie images)

Wedding Puppies

My husband and I decided to have our puppies in our wedding!  Our girl puppy, Sophia Grace, was our second flower girl and our boy puppy, Gandalf, was our second ring bearer.  Surprisingly enough, they did a great job walking down the aisle.  And they looked great doing it!  Proud of my puppy children, love them! -Kari

Sophia Grace and Rosie's Biggest Fan

Not too long ago, Ellen had a post on her website asking who was Sophia Grace and Rosie's Biggest Fan.  My little sister hype girl and I got super excited about this!  We had to send Ellen some love to show her just how big of fans we are!  We had three extra dolls from the bridesmaid proposals, that just so happened to look EXACTLY like Sophia Grace, Rosie, and Ellen.  We made the Sophia Grace and Rosie dolls some adorable grey tutus.  We made Ellen this totally amazing jumpsuit with big bagging pants - it was so legit!  I think we nailed it! We also wrote out some awesome Sophia Grace and Rosie inspired raps! We ARE Sophia Grace and Rosie's Biggest Fans! -Kari

Sophia Grace's Birthday

Sophia Grace's 11th birthday was not too long ago...  Since my little sister and I are Sophia Grace and Rosie's Superfans, we had to make her an awesome card to celebrate!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY SOPHIA GRACE! -Kari A few years ago, we made a little video wishing Sophia Grace a Happy Birthday copying the format of Sophia Grace and Rosie's video for Ellen's birthday.

Wedding Flower Girl Proposal

Similar to the adorable bridesmaid proposals, I wanted to do something fun to ask my cousin to be the Flower Girl for my wedding. When she received this card in the mail, she was SO excited... and she said YES! -Kari

Sophia Grace The Puppy

When my husband and I got our second puppy, a beautiful boxer girl, I somehow convinced him that I was going to get to pick out her name.  Being that I am Sophia Grace and Rosie obsessed, I clearly choose the adorable name of Sophia Grace!  Isn't she adorable?!?!?! - Kari

Sophia Grace and Rosie Inspired Bridesmaid Proposals

I have been obsessed with Sophia Grace and Rosie since the VERY beginning!  Therefore, when wedding planning it only made sense for me to incorporate Sophia Grace and Rosie inspired tutus into my bridesmaid proposals.  I purchased dolls that looked similar to each of my bridesmaids, hand-painted outfits on them, and constructed tutus and flower headbands.  They were SO Sophia Grace and Rosie inspired!  And SO loved by the bridesmaids! - Kari